The Makeup Products I’ll Be Using On My Wedding Day


Welp…I’ve been MIA from blogging for…a LONG time. I guess there’s a few reasons:

  1. Do people still read blogs? I used to write articles quite a bit back in 2012 - 2018-ish (on an old website that no longer exists - thankfully, haha. 4 - 5 posts per week and made a tiny bit of money from it). But honestly not sure if people still read them or not. I feel like everyone just consumes content on Instagram and TikTok these days.

  2. I don’t have the time. Plain and simple. Or I guess I should say, I don’t feel the need to create the time to squeeze in blogging, based on reason #1.

  3. In addition to reason #2, on top of my daily busyness, I have been planning a wedding since July 2021 - and it is just two weeks away!

So, in honor of #3 above, I figured I would put together this post on the makeup products I will be using on my own wedding day! You get the inside scoop, from a professional makeup artist with almost 10 years’ experience, on exactly what I trust to put on my own face, and last from 9:30 am until who knows…2 am? 3 am? We shall see where the night takes us on October 23 at our wedding in Mexico!

Alright, now onto the products…and in the order I plan on applying them:

The Skin

The Eyes

The Face

The Lips

I hope this was helpful!

xx, Caitlyn


Our Engagement Photoshoot


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