How I Try to Maintain a Positive Attitude

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How I (Try) to Maintain a Positive Attitude

I think we can all agree that things are a bit strange right now, right?  Actually, more than just a bit.  People are sick, people have passed away, people have lost jobs, things are at a standstill - all because of this virus.  While all of that is extremely scary and sad and depressing, I think it is still extremely important to at least try to have a positive attitude.

That might seem tough, but there are so many silver linings in this whole situation - you just have to look for them, and continue to count your blessings.  I find that the more I practice gratitude, the more grounded, happy, and thankful I am.  Here are some ways that I try to maintain a positive attitude and keep my eyes, mind, and heart focused on the silver linings.  Because truly - they are out there.

Staying Busy

For me, being busy keeps my mind off of things.  In normal, non-pandemic times, I am notorious for always being busy.  Is this a good thing?  No, not really.  My plate would be too full.  I think that I actually have anxiety, and my way of dealing with that is through staying occupied.  Now that I don't have as much to stay busy with outside of "staying in," such as going to workout classes, doing makeup on clients, visiting people, etc., I have found other ways to keep my mind entertained (and not just scrolling through Instagram all day).

Some of the things I like to do to stay busy right now include doing short little online workouts, reading books (currently reading The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson - it's a good one), painting my nails, still doing my makeup and recording makeup tutorials for you - really just anything!  My boyfriend and I did a 1,000 piece puzzle which was fun, have played the game Life, and he is doing a ton of cooking (I really am not, haha.  He is the chef in our relationship, which is amazing).  We have also been going on outdoor walks almost every day, which leads me to my next point...

Getting Outside

I noticed that simply getting outside makes an enormous difference in my mood and overall outlook on life right now.  My boyfriend and I really look forward to our one-hour, three-mile outdoor walks that we go on around the neighborhood.  We talk about life, look at all of the houses that we adore, and enjoy the beautiful North Carolina weather.  I also love sitting on our little balcony.  This is where I am currently sitting as I type this blog post, where I like to read, listen to music, sip on wine, or enjoy a snack.

Working on Projects

As you could probably guess, I am a creative person by nature.  I love working on new projects.  For me, some things I have been working on during quarantine include recording more makeup tutorials, working on wedding invitations for my East Avenue Creations clients, practicing my watercolor painting skills, and writing more blog posts.  I also attempted to bleach tie-dye a sweatshirt, but it didn't turn out as planned!  Oh well, it was still a fun little project that kept me occupied for a bit.

Keeping in Touch

I am someone that loves to keep in touch with friends and family regularly.  Now it feels more important than ever to keep that communication going.  Between text messages, phone calls, FaceTimes, and Zoom calls, I am actively trying to keep in touch with those that mean the most to me.  Talking about life, other than COVID-19, is helpful, too.


This is something I have gone through spurts with my entire life.  When I was younger, it was a diary.  Then throughout the later years in life - college and adult - I have gone on and off with journaling.  I picked it back up at the beginning of our quarantine in early March, and have been pretty good at sticking with it.  Three things that I have been including in my journal every single day include 1) three very specific things I am grateful for, 2) three people I am sending love to that day, and 3) the vibe and intentions I want to set for the day.  Writing these things down in a notebook each day is LIFE CHANGING!  I am telling you.  They make such a big difference and put a smile on my face when I write them down each morning.

What are you doing right now to keep a positive attitude?  I would love to hear!


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Pretty Pink Makeup Tutorial