How to Love Yourself More in 2019

Rochester NY Makeup Artist, Makeup Artist Rochester NY, Makeup by Caitlyn Michelle, Rochester Wedding Makeup, Self Love, How to Practice Self Love

The first few months of the New Year are always filled with new goals.  From making an effort to drink more water to thinking more positively, resolutions can come in all forms.  Even though New Year resolutions can come and go, the act of self-love will always be in style.  Whether you have a resolution or not, making an effort to be kind to yourself will start off your 2019 in the right direction.  Here are some of my top tips.

Invest in Products that Give you Confidence

It’s no surprise that when we wear things that make us feel confident, we feel better about ourselves.  For 2019, make an effort to splurge on products that give you feelings of self-confidence.  Whether it’s investing in brand new makeup brushes or purchasing that figure-hugging dress, buying products that help make you feel confident will no doubt give you feelings of self-love.  As women, we all know the importance of wearing a comfortable bra.  Seeing that over 97% of women have complained about how their bra fits, it’s worth it to splurge on a brand new bra that supports you in all the right places.  Whether you want to purchase something new for Valentine’s Day or just want to treat yourself, buying a bra that is both supportive and comfortable is a great way to instill self-confidence.

Make Time for Self-Care

With our full-time jobs, significant others, kids, and all of the other daily responsibilities, it can feel impossible sometimes to find time for ourselves.  While those moments may be few and far between, practicing self-care is a great way to give your mind and body some much needed TLC.  This can be done through all different kinds of avenues and some can easily be done in under an hour, such as giving yourself a relaxing bath or reading one of your favorite books before bed.  No matter how busy we get, every woman deserves to have time for herself.  Studies have shown that practicing self-care is good for you scientifically, so it’s worth it to invest in this more often.

Give Yourself New Experiences

Whether it’s taking two weeks off to experience Europe (one of my BFFs and I are going to visit Paris and London this April!) or taking that aerial yoga class you’ve been dying to try, stepping outside your comfort zone is a great way to experience new adventures and learn even more about who you are as a person.  It can be so easy to get caught up in our daily routine that we forget to make an effort to try new things.  No matter what the experience may be, you’ll love the fact that you put yourself out there and tried something new for yourself.

Care About Your Body

This goes along with giving your mind and body TLC, but making an effort to take care of yourself will go a long way in the long run.  You can easily do this by fitting in more exercise into your day.  Even ifyou’’re not a huge workout fan, giving your body some exercise will help release endorphins and make you feel so much better about yourself.  Another way is to make an effort in eating healthier.  This can be done by just consuming more fruits and vegetables while limiting your intake of processed foods. Putting an effort into taking care of your body will make you feel more energized and give you better and more positive feelings about yourself and your body.

How do you practice kindness towards yourself?


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