Time to Crush 2019

Rochester NY Makeup Artist, Makeup Artist Rochester NY, Makeup by Caitlyn Michelle, Rochester Wedding Makeup, 2019 Goals, 2019 Resolutions
Rochester NY Makeup Artist, Makeup Artist Rochester NY, Makeup by Caitlyn Michelle, Rochester Wedding Makeup, 2019 Goals, 2019 Resolutions
Rochester NY Makeup Artist, Makeup Artist Rochester NY, Makeup by Caitlyn Michelle, Rochester Wedding Makeup, 2019 Goals, 2019 Resolutions
Rochester NY Makeup Artist, Makeup Artist Rochester NY, Makeup by Caitlyn Michelle, Rochester Wedding Makeup, 2019 Goals, 2019 Resolutions
Rochester NY Makeup Artist, Makeup Artist Rochester NY, Makeup by Caitlyn Michelle, Rochester Wedding Makeup, 2019 Goals, 2019 Resolutions
Rochester NY Makeup Artist, Makeup Artist Rochester NY, Makeup by Caitlyn Michelle, Rochester Wedding Makeup, 2019 Goals, 2019 Resolutions
Rochester NY Makeup Artist, Makeup Artist Rochester NY, Makeup by Caitlyn Michelle, Rochester Wedding Makeup, 2019 Goals, 2019 Resolutions
Rochester NY Makeup Artist, Makeup Artist Rochester NY, Makeup by Caitlyn Michelle, Rochester Wedding Makeup, 2019 Goals, 2019 Resolutions
Rochester NY Makeup Artist, Makeup Artist Rochester NY, Makeup by Caitlyn Michelle, Rochester Wedding Makeup, 2019 Goals, 2019 Resolutions
Rochester NY Makeup Artist, Makeup Artist Rochester NY, Makeup by Caitlyn Michelle, Rochester Wedding Makeup, 2019 Goals, 2019 Resolutions
Rochester NY Makeup Artist, Makeup Artist Rochester NY, Makeup by Caitlyn Michelle, Rochester Wedding Makeup, 2019 Goals, 2019 Resolutions

It's about that time of the year again: a time for fresh ideas, new goals, and resolutions. It's time to crush 2019! Are you ready or what?! If not...let's go!

I'm a super-organized person. Anyone who even knows me slightly is sure to know this about me. So when I make my goals, whether it's for the year or for the week, I need to write them down in an organized fashion. My favorite beauty blogger, Marianna Hewitt (who, btw, just selected me as a winner of one of her giveaways!), created these free goal worksheets which are SUPER cool. I have used them for the past three years and like them a lot. Especially the one that lists "End Goal" at the top. For example, let's say your end goal is to save $10,000 in 2019. How are you going to actually do that? Break it down into ten steps. Mine might look something like:

  1. Remove unnecessary monthly payments that I don't use (Netflix, Apple Music, gym membership, etc.)

  2. Book at least 20 weddings

  3. Add more items to my Etsy shop to increase sales

  4. Only eat out for lunch once a week

  5. Only eat out for dinner once a month

  6. Work hard to receive a raise or bonus

  7. Shop for groceries at Aldi instead of Wegmans

  8. Don't buy things I do not need (clothes, accessories, makeup, etc.)

  9. Stick to an actual budget

  10. Use an app to help stay on track (ex: Qapital)

I've been making fresh goals for myself each year for a while now. If you want to read my blog posts from 2016, 2017, and 2018, please feel free! Here are my main ones for 2019:

  • Maintain a "less" lifestyle - less consumption, less waste, less shopping, less spending, less clutter, etc.

  • Read more books - I used to read allllll the time, and lately, I haven't been. I love reading, especially self-help books and mysteries.

  • Say no - basically my entire life, I've been a "yes" woman. Someone asks me to do a project that I'm really not in the mood to do? I still say yes. I take on a lot of work and often times it completely wears me out. So this year...I'm saying NO to things when they don't suit me!

  • Save $10,000 - I basically lined out how I plan on doing this in the example that I provided above :)

  • Drink more water - I am SO bad at this and absolutely need to be better

  • Get more sleep - I've been going to bed really late each night and it's messing me up and making me tired! So, less social media and texting before bed and more reading and relaxing!

  • Make time for what's important - aka loved ones, traveling, and self-care

That's all I have for now - what about you?! What are your goals for 2019?


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